About Us

About Dsspineclinic

Post Injury Rehabilitation Clinic is set Within a Multi-Award-Winning Clinic
It the recently awarded the Best Clinic in Dwarka and the Best Clinic in Delhi with its professional and pristine surroundings and friendly staff who are there to make you feel comfortable and at ease.

The clinic is set within the heart of Dwarka and is easily accessible by road or Metro train with Dwarka metro Station just minutes away. The Post Injury Rehabilitation Clinic believes in giving the client the attention they deserve and seeking to rehabilitate as quickly as possible giving the client control and normality back into their lives. We guarantee to deliver the results that you are looking for.

DR. Dinesh Singh graduated in 2014 with a Physiotherapy degree and continued his education by completing a Masters's Degree in Sports Injuries. DR. Dinesh Singh gained a huge amount of experience in the Orthopaedic and Sports Injuries Units of University Hospital where he worked extensively with severely injured patients. Many cases involved complex injuries that needed lengthy rehabilitation periods to get the patient back to gaining their independence. he worked alongside spinal surgeons and set up spinal rehabilitation programs in outreach clinics. he also worked for the Hospital Back Pain Service specializing in treating patients who had suffered prolapsed discs to chronic low back pain. DR. Dinesh Singh also has experience in the competitive sport at a national level to where he has been the physiotherapist for the Team, Gym Aerobics Team as well as several professional basketball teams. During busy periods at Dsspineclinic Physio please leave a short message with your name and contact number and a member of the team will return your call as soon as possible.

Center For Excellence in Rehabilitation

Sports injuries can be classed as overuse or traumatic injuries. These are injuries that occur to athletes participating in sporting events. Overuse injuries as the term implies can be due to the same part of the body being used when participating in a certain activity. For example, a runner’s knee is a painful condition generally associated with running, while tennis elbow is a form of repetitive stress injury at the elbow, although it does not often occur with tennis players.

Any problem by a sport, work accident etc.

we welcome the chance to serve you.